Ohio Frequently Asked Questions

What is your exchange/refund policy?


The Ohio State Board of Cosmetology has compiled lists of most frequently asked questions related to licensing questions. These questions and corresponding answers cover a wide range of liscensing issues, but are in no way totally inclusive. The laws and rules that are the foundation of these answers change periodically. We review the laws routinely and frequently but sometimes a change can occur in between our update. For the most recent update or to confirm that the answer to your question is still current visit the Ohio.gov website. You can find the answers to any of these questions on the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology website.


Ohio Cosmetology License Status and Description List
How Do I Update My Address On-Line?
How can I file a complaint regarding a salon?
How do I know if a chemical, service, or new equipment is approved for use by the Board?

FAQ's For Ohio Licensees

How can I update my Board approved photo for my license?
What is an Independent Contractor (IC) license?
How do I apply for an Independent Contractor (IC) license?
Should I keep my certificates from my Continuing Education Classes?
How can I get an instructor's license?
How can I reactivate my current, escrowed license?
I've lost my license! How do I get a duplicate license?
What is The Amnesty Program and how can I take advantage of it?
Do I need to include my continuing education course certificate with my license renewal?
How long can my license be kept in escrow?
How can I transfer my Ohio license to another state?
How do I determine the status of my license?
How can I get a managers license?

FAQ's for Unlicensed Individuals or those Trained and/or Licensed Outside of Ohio

How can I obtain a Cosmetology Board license in the State of Ohio if I am currently licensed in another state?

Instructions for Students

How can I take the exam in Ohio if I went to school in another state?

FAQ's for Salon License

How can I get a license for a Salon?
What are the different types of salon licenses?
What is the Board's jurisdiction in a salon?
What should I do if I want to make a change to the salon?
Can a salon be combined with another type of facility or business?

FAQ's for Tanning Facility License

How can I get a license for a Tanning Facility?
Is certification required to operate indoor tanning equipmnent?
What is the Board's jurisdiction in a Tanning Facility?
Can a Tanning Facility be combined with another type of salon or business?
Can a Tanning Facility sell protective eyewear to patrons?
Who is responsible for cleaning and sanitizing the tanning beds/booths?